World Nature Conservation Day
World Nature Conservation Day is a great time to learn about the natural world around us and take steps to help do our part in protecting the planet for future generations.
We've made a list of things you can do to celebrate this very special day!
1. Visit a national park or nature reserve. Take a break and enjoy the natural world, learn more about the animals and plants that are native to your area.
2. Volunteer with your local Landcare group to help with species counts, clean ups, replanting efforts and more! Even if you don't have the time for Landcare, picking up any rubbish you come across on walks is a great way to help.
3. If you own pets, please keep them from roaming. Not only is this healthier for our fur babies but it stops native animals from being hurt and killed as well. Keep dogs on their leads if you're walking them through bushland, grassland or parks. If you own cats, consider setting up cat runs or netted areas so they can go outside freely without becoming a danger to birds and small mammals.
4. Consider the products you purchase, if you can manage it please buy sustainable products like ethically sourced fish and products with recyclable packaging. Double check which bins you're throwing things into, a lot of products are only recyclable if put into certain bins.
5. Donate to your local conservation groups, every bit helps them protect our native species and ecosystems!
6. Plant native plants in your garden. Not only do these plants generally need less water, they're a great way to attract birds like parrots and honey eaters!
7. Learn more about the world around us and help raise awareness of what needs to be done to safeguard our planet for future generations!
Banner Photo by Alan Landford
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